britt's picks // herbalist & acupuncturist

If you’re looking for an herbalist and/or acupunturist in NYC, I cannot recommend Paul Kempisty enough. I first started seeing Paul a few years ago, when I was struggling to regulate my menstrual and ovulation cycles in the hopes of one day becoming pregnant. He came highly recommended by multiple friends, and I’m so glad that I ended up going to see him at his practice in Soho. If you’re not familiar, acupuncture is the stimulation of sensitive and powerful acu-points around the body with filiform needles, and has been practiced for thousands of years. Modern science believes that the positive effects on health are achieved by stimulation of the nervous system which in turn regulates the immune system, hormone function, causes pain reduction and so much more.

I’ll admit that I was initially a bit wary of the entire process- I had never gotten acupuncture before, and didn’t know what to expect. But Paul is extremely passionate and knowledgable, and made me feel comfortable throughout the entire treatment process. I love that after meeting with a patient and determining their individual needs and goals, Paul works with you to construct a comprehensive treatment and education plan that works best for you. Not to mention his impressive resume- Before pursuing his formal acupuncture education, he studied aromatherapy and Reiki, eventually becoming a Reiki Master. Paul has a Master's Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, studied advanced herbal medicine with a Daoist priest in New York City’s Chinatown, and even traveled to China to continue studying in the specialties of Oncology and Gynecology!

It’s Paul’s belief that what we put into our bodies makes a significant impact on our immediate and long term experience of life and health, and because of this, he has shared herbs, dietary advice and vitamin supplements with his patients from the very beginning of his career. I enjoyed getting to experience the effects of both acupuncture and herbs, and found them to work together in harmony for the body. It’s pretty remarkable how the right combinations can have such incredible results for so many different conditions.

Since herbs are clearly a passion of Paul’s, I’m happy to say that he recently launched his own line of herbal remedies, Peekay’s Herbs, which offer effective herbal formulations for the entire family. I’ve gotten the opportunity to try several of his custom blends, and from the Calm Down (provides stress, sleep & mood support) to the Eleven Mushrooms for Fun Guys & Gals (a great overall remedy for immune support, energy levels & mental serenity) to the Let’s Make a Baby (which provides fertility support for men & women) , there’s truly something for every ailment. Plus, he even makes gentle herbal remedies for kids, which came in handy when my son came down with a cold recently. The Kid’s Cold & Flu and Seasonal Support tinctures helped reduce his symptoms, and not to mention, he absolutely loved the flavor! Definitely check out Peekay’s if you’re looking to add some effective herbal remedies to your medicine cabinet!

fave products // sun potion ashwagandha


I'd been hearing a lot about Sun Potion supplements lately, and decided to do some investigating of my own to determine whether or not they were worth the hype.  These transformational foods use medicinal plants, superfoods, and tonic herbs to aid in the achievement of health, happiness, and overall well-being. Sounds good so far- I mean, who doesn't want to feel better by simply using roots found in our natural world? Sun Potions commits to sourcing organic and wildcrafted products to maintain a pure, high quality standard. These potent, healing substances are said to have the ability to transform both consciousness and health.

I decided to begin with Ashwagandha, a vital Ayurvedic herb believed to have many healing properties including tonifying the immune system, inspiring vigor and strength, and relieving various forms of stress. It's known as an adaptogen for its ability to harmonize various physiological functions, as well as to help balance hormones. Ashwagandha's highly potent root, sourced from small organic farms in India, undergoes a cold-water extraction creating a powder that mixes easily into water, coffee, tea, or smoothies. I've been mixing it into my morning coffee, along with He Shou Wu and collagen, which makes for a healthy & potent start to my day. I hardly taste the herb at all, but if anything it adds a welcome creamy, spiced note to my coffee. I've noticed a positive response related to my immune health, as well as my brain function and emotional balance throughout the day. I've felt more present and aware, and am able to react to situations in a more beneficial way. The immune-fortifying and invigorating properties of Aswaganhda make it an antioxidant powerhouse, one that I'm pleased to welcome to my daily routine.

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