topanga mother bread

topanga mother sourdough bread

To me, there’s not much better than freshly baked bread. The smell, the texture, and the taste all just makes my heart sing. You can get good bread many places these days- from farmers markets to grocery stores to the bakeries themselves- the options are endless. But truly great bread is a bit harder to come by, and that’s why I was so delighted to find Topanga Mother, a local bread dealer here in my neighborhood that delivers freshly baked bread to your doorstep! Naturally fermented sourdough breads, made using only organic flour and whole grains, are the focus here, and each fully hydrated dough is hand shaped into a super delicious loaf for you to enjoy at home.

The menu at Topanga Mother is simple- country, seeded country, raisin pan, and olive loaves are available to order. While classics are great, I love me a mix-in, so naturally I gravitated toward their olive studded and cinnamon raisin loaves. The ratio of mix-ins to bread is high here, just how I like it, so every piece includes a juicy, delectable bite. The whole family is fan, and we blazed through our delivery quite quickly. Topanga Mother delivers every Wednesday and Sunday, and you can contact them if you have a special request, or need a bread fix on other days of the week as well! Talk about top notch service. I have to say, opening my front door to find freshly baked (still warm!) sourdough on my doorstep is one of my favorite ways to start the day!


Oh, bagels. When done right, they’re so simple, yet so satisfying and delicious. Both my husband and I are huge fans of these carby, doughy rings of goodness, and since great bagels aren’t as easy to come by in LA, we always have to get our fix when back in NY. And yes, I did see the recent (albeit controversial!) New York Times article claiming that the best bagels are in California. I agree, you can definitely find good bagels on the West Coast. However, I think the big difference is that you can’t just walk out of your apartment and grab a delicious bagel down the block like you can so easily in many neighborhoods of New York City. Plus that New York water has to play a part, right?!

Anyway, Bagelsmith was our go-to neighborhood spot when we lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It’s simple, no frills, but always busy for a reason. Bagels are baked fresh throughout the day, and they have pretty much every flavor you could want. Not to mention endless options for schmears and toppings! For breakfast, I love a whole wheat everything with egg, avocado, fresh veggies, and hot sauce. But the sweet tooth in me also loves a cinnamon raisin bagel (how pretty is that swirl though?) schmeared with almond butter! Just depends on my mood I guess! The hubby’s order is typically what he calls a “double double double” – double sausage, double egg, double cheese on an everything bagel, and loaded with sriracha when eaten. Plus another everything bagel with sun-dried tomato cream cheese for later. The boy can eat! We always get a few bagels to take home as well, and then you can fix them up however you like. The more the merrier!